Life by Design

Simple Ways to Bring Positivity into Your Life

Happy Successful Business Woman

January 24, 2017

I'm Regina.
Psychologist, executive coach, and functional medicine health coach and my mission is to help you truly thrive. Let's get to work!
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Negativity can be all around us. Try to remember how often you planned to do something positive and unforeseen circumstances prevented it from happening. The biggest question here is why that happens and how we can overcome this problem?

Is it possible to have positivity in your life even with the negative forces that are sometimes in direct conflict? Yes it is and here are some simple ways you might bring positivity into your life.

There Are No Bad Times

Whether you believe it or not, the moment you start thinking that bad things are going to happen to you it begins the cycle of negativity from every corner of your life and continues to multiply. Always keep in mind that for every bad day you have that a positive day will soon follow! Things happen for a reason, perhaps to boost your inner strength to provide the power to handle similar difficulties in the future. Try to find the goodness in every difficult situation you are faced with.

Every bad situation will have something positive. Even a dead clock shows correct time twice a day

The Mind Is Everything

Yes, our mind is everything. If you think negative thoughts, you will have negative experiences but if you think positively, you will have more positive experiences. An interesting observation – when you think negatively then negative things continue to happen but even if you start with a more positive outlook there can always be outside negative forces trying to pull you in. Just thinking positively is not enough; so try to keep positive forces a vital part of your life.

Whatever you do, either negative or positive, it all affects your personality, your prosperity and your productivity. When you have the ability to change yourself you will definitely have the chance to change others around you.

The mind is everything. What you think, you become,–Gautam Buddha

Learn to Give and Help

You can find true happiness and regain positivity in your life by being a little more altruistic. Show gratitude and compassion to others and you will feel more positive energy in your life. A certain amount of “feel good” chemicals are released in your brain to help you face the world with a more positive outlook. Studies show that volunteering helps people release their stress significantly and eventually boosts their productivity.

Ask people to pay it forward and keep the cycle of helping, happiness and positive energy going in society.

We rise by lifting others.–Robert Ingersoll

Do Exercise

There are many benefits to daily exercise. Apart from keeping your body healthy, it keeps your mind healthy by thinking positive thoughts. It helps to stick to a schedule and make your life more disciplined to bring in more positivity. A daily brisk walk, run or some time spent in the gym will definitely help you.

Apart from physical exercises, try meditation, listen to your favorite music, maintain a proper diet, make small but significant changes but above all, get plenty of sleep.

Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.–John F. Kennedy

Forget the Past and Stop Worrying About the Future

One of the most important lessons to remember in life is that your past has nothing to do with your present or future because the action is already done and you don’t have the opportunity to redo it.

Worrying about the future is not going to help in most cases. It puts more pressure on you which can negatively impact the present moment. It is advised to live fully in the present moment and to always try to do your best. The desired result will be reflected positively in your life.

Don’t cry over the past, it’s gone. Don’t stress about the future, it hasn’t arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful.–Unknown

Smile Often

Smiling, keeping calm and taking deep breathes are the secrets to ending any worries you are struggling with. People that smile often are more productive, happy, attractive and positive than people that don’t. It is also a contagious thing; if you’re talking with a little smile on your face then others around you will usually tend to smile therefore pulling more positive vibes into the environment.

Greeting Others With a Smile

Apart from smiling, if you genuinely make a habit of complimenting others it will bring significant changes to your life. People will feel good about you and you can build faster and healthier relationships with them. It not only brings more positivity to your life but to many others’ lives as well.

To build your self-image, you need to join the smile, firm handshake and compliment club.–Zig Ziglar

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