I'm here to help you reclaim your energy and regain the life you set aside while building your career, nurturing your business, & managing life's demands. 

Hi, I'm Regina!


I'm here to help you reclaim your energy and regain the life you set aside while building your career, nurturing your business, & managing life's demands. 

Hi, I'm Regina!

I was once where you are now - burnout that led to a myriad of debilitating health issues & a loss of self

As a former C-suite executive turned psychologist, executive coach, and entrepreneur, I poured my heart and soul into growing Fasold Global Consulting, a reputable leadership and change management firm. I loved every moment of it until the unexpected burnout hit. That day, my life changed forever. I couldn't get out of bed, prepare for my busy life, or even put together a simple shopping list. I was completely spent and staring down a list of health implications because of it.

I got away with it for 30 years until life as I knew it CAME TO A GRINDING HALT

Dedicated and Dynamic Consultation for Personal and Professional Growth

For the past 7 years, I invested
my time and energy into
reversing two auto immune diseases and rebuilding my health, my career, and my identity

For the past 7 years, I invested my time and energy into reversing two auto immune diseases and rebuilding my health, my career, and my identity

My goal is to spare you and to help you come back! Let me show you how you can turn back the hands of time and get on the path to growing healthier, happier, stronger and more successful.

And I am back. Healthier, stronger, and more fulfilled than ever before, living the life I envisioned for myself.




I have been dealing with thyroid issues for years.  I was able to wean myself off my thyroid meds but still felt sluggish all the time. I then also started gaining weight and was unable to lose any weight. I was also dealing with lots of inflammation issues. I had done elimination diets in the past so I knew they would help me feel better. The start of this program came just at the right time when I needed the help and motivation. Regina was so helpful during this whole process and always there to help answer any questions and give any recommendations. I have since realized that way I was living my life before was not healthy and the changes I’ve made are better for me in the long run. If there is any part of you that knows you need to do something to better your health this is the program for you! I wish I had started this sooner.

"Regina was so helpful during this whole process and always there to help answer any questions and give any recommendations."


For what seems like ages I have been dealing with so many issues from gastrointestinal problems to back pain to being tired all the time. From the first week, the time I spent listening to the others in the group has made me realize that I am not alone in this. Regina has been amazing and enlightening. Not only does she possess vast knowledge, but she has walked in our shoes and is living proof that this works. She is always available to answer questions and goes above and beyond to help. All the changes I have made have helped me gain control of my health. I sleep better, my back pain is almost nonexistent, I no longer take medication for my reflux and I'm not waking up in pain. There aren't enough words for me to express how thankful I am for Regina and the program. Forever grateful.

"Regina has been amazing & enlightening. Not only does she possess vast knowledge, but she has walked in our shoes and is living proof that this works."


When I got out of the hospital from a 5 day stay from contracting C-diff I was really depressed, weak and at the end of my rope trying to figure it out myself what to do to get better. I've known Regina for a very long time and I learned so much from her program, Gut Health Makeover. When you know, you are talking to someone that’s been through it firsthand with firsthand knowledge of the challenges and how everyone is different I can’t overstate the trust that that builds. Regina knows how to customize something for what you personally are going through so you heal the way you need to heal. With science changing everyday with new discoveries about the importance of gut health Regina is the person you can feel safe, with the knowledge that she has she knows what she’s talking about. Like your most cherished, trusted healthcare provider.

"Regina knows how to customize something for what you personally are going through so you heal the way you need to heal."


I have Polycystic ovarian syndrome and endometriosis and really struggle with inflammation and chronic constipation. I eat a healthy diet and work with a nutrition coach, but it seems no matter what I did I couldn't get rid of these symptoms. Regina is so patient, knowledgeable and accepting of everyone no matter what path they are on in their gut health journey. Whenever I was struggling with anything, she always had suggestions and knowledge to help. After seeing a fellow classmate's success with eliminating gluten and dairy, I finally decided to adjust my diet. After a month of tracking my food, my nutrition coach could not believe how much my inflammation went down. I highly encourage anyone who is thinking about making changes to work with Regina. Her knowledge and the fact that she lives the lifestyle herself is priceless.

"Regina is so patient, knowledgeable and accepting of everyone no matter what path they are on in their health journey."


Favorite indulgence

Horse-show clothes

celeb i'd love to meet

Julia Roberts

Guilty pleasure

Gruyere cheese

alternate universe job:

A dressage rider of course!

favorite place i've been:

Montana and the Swiss Alps

drink of choice

Green tea... and champagne

can't live without

Horses, dogs… and a fast car

usually craving

Swiss chocolate

beach vs mountains

Mountains… with a horse ranch

favorite show to binge

A Beautiful Mind

As an Enneagram 8, I'm fiercely independent and a high achiever. I believe in the power of instinct and gut feeling, living to protect and provide. You'll often find me in my horse-riding clothes, wholeheartedly believing that we can achieve anything the mind can conceive.

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