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and fulfillment in your life, at work, and with your health. Here you will find inspiration to thrive in every aspect of your life.

Here you will find inspiration for a balanced life.

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Learning How To Market Yourself

Ready to go find that new job? Trying to get promoted internally? Switching careers? No matter what you are doing, you are going to have to learn how to market yourself. Marketing ability isn’t something that you are born with. Instead, it is a skill that is developed over long periods of time. You might […]

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I'm Regina.
Psychologist, executive coach, and functional medicine health coach and my mission is to help you truly thrive. Let's get to work!
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Work Harder

The power of repetition is immensely powerful. How do surgeons become elite? By practicing for thousands of hours in medical school. How do athletes become elite? By training for thousands of hours in the gym. The power of repetition is undeniable, but unfortunately it isn’t something that is highlighted in our society. Too often, we […]

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People Working Together

All managers want their employees to maximize their abilities. However, many managers aren’t putting their employees in a position to be successful. Managers need to understand the importance of building a positive culture and learn how to create and reinforce it. A positive culture can go a long way towards maximizing company efficiency by reducing […]

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Work Place Conflict

Dealing with conflict is part of life. Even the best organizations deal with internal conflict on a regular basis. Conflict isn’t a black and white issue. There are different degrees and levels of conflict. Conflict at a low intensity may just be a simple disagreement. But high intensity conflict can result in teams that have […]

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Authentic Team Communication

Most team members want the same thing from their leader: authentic communication. Have you ever been working on a project and been blinded by an omission made by management? Or perhaps you’ve dealt with a sudden change in instructions or expectations. Maybe you’ve had to work on a project where the expectations were not clear […]

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Company Vision Sharing With Employees

Sharing your company’s long-term vision with its employees is key to creating a positive work environment and developing a strong culture. If your employees don’t understand your long-term vision, they might find it difficult to find themselves working for you for the long-haul. They might find it hard to envision where they fit in. But […]

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Manager Learning New Things

When running a business or managing a team, flexibility is of the utmost importance. Failure to adapt is one of the key reasons why businesses fail. If you aren’t ready for new changes in your industry, you are almost begging to be left behind. It is absolutely critical that you understand how flexibility can make […]

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New Trend Study

Everyone has heard the story of what happened to Blockbuster. The VHS-rental business was the national leader in movie rentals until Netflix came along. Blockbuster had market dominance, piles of cash, and a massive customer base. So why did they lose out? The problem was that Blockbuster didn’t understand how to ride the trend. The […]

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Sad Lady

In life, everyone faces some form of trauma. That trauma could be large, such as losing a family member, friend, or another loved one. It could be something smaller, such as losing a relationship in the form of a break-up. But there are other forms of trauma as well. Perhaps you had a tremendous job […]

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Leader Thinking About Decision

As a leader at your job or as a manager within your organization, you will have to make tough decisions. These decisions may include the need to hire or fire someone, or they could include the need to make strategic decisions about company partnerships. Having a poor decision making process can hamper you as a […]

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I'm here to help you restore your energy and recapture the life you put on hold while advancing your career, growing your business, and juggling life's responsibilities.

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