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A place to feel empowered in achieving true balance
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Here you will find inspiration for a balanced life.
Have you ever felt as if you were lost in your life? As if you did not have a direction and weren’t sure what the next step in your life should be? Maybe you have a vague sense of what your goals are, but don’t have a strategy. Or maybe it is the opposite, you […]
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Becoming a better leader doesn’t only benefit you, it also benefits your team and its overall productivity. Strong leaders understand how to motivate their teams and how to properly allocate resources so that they can be in a position to be successful. Poor leaders can sap motivation and drive from a team, and make them […]
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When we think of forgiveness, we’re often thinking of forgiving someone else for wronging us. But we’re not thinking about forgiving ourselves for a mistake or an error. Everyone makes mistakes, but we often carry our own mistakes with us and remind ourselves of them internally. This behavior can be destructive, as the inner voice […]
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Have you ever given thought to what is driving you? Why are you trying to reach your goals? Do you want to do better for your children? Are you focused on getting a promotion or going back to school and changing careers? Have you taken the time to write down your specific goals and the […]
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The way that you perceive yourself, others, and events affects your actions, your mood, and your emotions. Often, we think of events as having a clear meaning. If you made a mistake at work, for instance, maybe you felt that it was a problem that dragged down your performance. Instead of perceiving the event in […]
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Everyone has a work dispute at some point. After all, we are human beings with feelings and emotions. Conflict is inevitable, we aren’t always going to see eye to eye. It isn’t the conflict that is the problem, it is how leaders manage conflict that matters. At every successful company in the world there are […]
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The best leaders have technical competence in their industry along with emotional intelligence and a gift for persuasiveness. Think about it—we constantly laud CEOs for their ability to make tough decisions under pressure, especially when it comes to products and design. But do we hear much about a CEO’s ability to be persuasive? Not much. […]
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Learning To Trust The Process Of Delegation For many leaders, learning to trust the process of delegation can be quite difficult. Often, leaders have a hard time giving up control over the small details, especially when they come into a new role. But it is quite simply impossible to handle all of the responsibilities of […]
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Good Leaders Facilitate Collaboration In order to get the most out of your team, you need to be a leader that facilitates collaboration. New advances in technology have increased the number of ways that we can collaborate across long distances. There are also new workplace trends, such as the hiring of remote workers, which demand […]
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Every business wants to create a company culture that employees and customers fall in love. However, cultivating and fostering such a culture isn’t a quick fix. Most companies that want to create a successful culture don’t have a concrete plan for how to get there. The end result is that management ends up essentially throwing […]
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“Burnout happens when passion is replaced by repetition, quality with quantity, and empathy with hopelessness.” — Cordett McCall Have you ever felt so drained that no matter how much effort you put in, it feels like you’re running in place? You’re not alone. Burnout, once a nebulous term for workplace exhaustion, was officially recognized as […]
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Imagine waking up each day with great energy, a sharp mind, balanced in your body and feeling your best. For many, this seems out of reach. What we often overlook is that the key to unlocking this level of health lies deep within our gut. Most of us think about gut health only when we […]
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“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~Anais Nin Courage, Risks & Rewards Are you feeling stuck in a specific area of your life and uncertain how to make a change? You’re not alone, and I’m here to help you […]
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Today, I want to delve into a fascinating concept that can enhance your cognitive capabilities, eliminate brain fog and memory issues, and revolutionize your personal and professional journey – it is Cognitive Reserve. As busy moms and dads, students, professionals, caretakers, leaders, doers, and visionaries, your mental agility and resilience are paramount to navigating the […]
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In my 20 years of working with global executive leaders, I have witnessed a common trend where the focus has primarily been on improving leadership skills, enhancing communication, building successful teams, or addressing behavior change prompted by complaints. However, what often gets neglected is the holistic perspective—the recognition that leaders are, first and foremost, human […]
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In today’s fast-paced world, being a busy professional often comes with its own set of challenges. Juggling multiple responsibilities, dealing with high levels of stress, and striving for success can take a toll on our overall well-being. That’s why it’s essential to cultivate resilience and find balance in our professional and personal lives. In this […]
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