Outplacement Services

As a high-potential candidate, you must master the intricacies of reading people, predicting behaviors, and influencing perceptions. The demands of top leaders have significantly increased over the last several years, and leadership behaviors, such as values, work ethics, integrity, and perceived success, have become magnified and intensified.

Whether you are in a career transition, moving up the corporate ladder, or having to let employees go, career transition coaching combined with our executive coaching, performance coaching, leadership training, and change management services will meet your needs and fast-forward your success.

Our career consultants, resume writers, and outplacement specialists provide high-quality career transition services for executives from any industry around the world.

We provide guidance, support, one-on-one career consulting, and job-loss counseling

We set clear goals and create action plans for follow-through

We identify challenges and opportunities

We help you gain a competitive edge and shorten your job search

We identify market values and strengths

We teach effective self-marketing and job-search strategies

We evaluate transferable skills and areas for improvement

We provide top executive resume and cover letter services

We brief candidates on today’s interview practices, critical interview questions, salary negotiations, and networking skills

We hold you accountable

We provide onboarding coaching with a new employer during the first six months employment

We provide affordable and premium corporate outplacement solutions

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