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A place to feel empowered in achieving true balance
and fulfillment in your life, at work, and with your health. Here you will find inspiration to thrive in every aspect of your life.

Here you will find inspiration for a balanced life.

Tired Man
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Listen To Your Body

We’re often taught that we need to work through burnout, and that working until exhaustion is admirable. We see this portrayed in movies, music, business, athletics, academia, and in other avenues of American culture. However, the science is clear: working yourself until exhaustion is bad for your body. And when you are extremely tired, you […]

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I'm Regina.
Psychologist, executive coach, and functional medicine health coach and my mission is to help you truly thrive. Let's get to work!
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Peace During Chaotic Times

The pandemic has been a difficult time for everyone. It has been incredibly stressful and disruptive for even the most calm and resourceful among us. So how can we find peace in chaotic times? How can you find inner calm even when it seems like a storm is raging around you? The answer is relatively […]

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Don't Compare Yourself To Others

We have the innate drive to compare ourselves to others. It is just something humans do. We think about whether our grades are at the top of the class. We think about if we are going to get that promotion or not. When we look at social media, we consider whether we stack up against […]

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Perfectionism is dangerous. You probably haven’t heard it put in such stark terms before. After all, we live in a culture that valorizes those who sacrifice their personal lives for work. We have lionized CEOs who work for 100 hour weeks and workers who refuse to take breaks. But the truth is that perfectionism is […]

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Big Decision Making

There are times in life when we have to make difficult decisions. It might be a choice about a relationship or whether you need to go back to school. It might be about whether you should stay at your job or look elsewhere for work. Making tough decisions is never easy. There are so many […]

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Unshakable Confidence

Having trouble building confidence? You aren’t alone. Building confidence is one of the hardest things for anyone to do. But there’s an old saying: “Fake it til you make it.” Even if you aren’t confident in your abilities now, you need to believe that you can be. Find people that you respect and emulate them. […]

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Feel Like Quitting

We’ve all been there. We’ve all had a moment where we felt like quitting. Where we felt like giving up. That is often a do or die moment. Sometimes we push through and accomplish our goals. Other times our goals are forgotten and fall off of our calendars. So how do we stay motivated when […]

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When we think of journaling, we often think of something that we did as kids. It seems to be coded as something that is childish. But the truth is that journaling is something that we should all take part in, even as adults. Why? Because journaling is key to self improvement. It allows you to […]

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Be Willing To Say No

Saying “no” is one of the hardest things to do. Especially when we have to say no to our family and friends. It also can become a problem in our professional lives. There are times when we feel obligated to perform more work than we can, just because people ask us to take on more. […]

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Team Argument

Being a great problem solver is something that can help further your career. So can being a great debater or someone who knows how to pick apart someone else’s argument. But while these skills are valuable, it is also important to know when to use them and when not to. Knowing when to pick your […]

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I'm here to help you restore your energy and recapture the life you put on hold while advancing your career, growing your business, and juggling life's responsibilities.

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